Yes - 1984-09-01 - Hershey, PA (FLAC - SBD)
Venue: Park Stadium
Lineage: Soundboard > n generation tape > Aiwa Tape Deck AD-WX828 > Creative Audigy SE > HD >
SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > FLAC Frontend (level 6)
Taper: LDB
LDB Special Series #252/bis
Taper notes: "Out of my 7,000+ shows and radio broadcasts, I have many concerts that were special for some reasons: the setlist, the musicians, the venue or unexpected events. These are the ones I'd like to propose you. Most of these come from my cassettes collection, so they will be released at a slower pace than my Master Series! But you won't be disappointed! I will try to gather the most unusual things I have in my collection and, as always, your feedback and comments will be my reward for all the work involved in this project. DO NOT share this music on mp3, just convert it for your own use. Sharing mp3's is the right way to make me stop sharing music. That was seeded as volume 252 of my Special Series. raygun888 was kind enough to send me his tape which is far superior to my copy although a bit less complete. Hope you will enjoy this addendum!"
Total Running Time: 87:28
Disc 1
01. Reason to be Here (a.k.a. Our Song) (5:55)
02. Hold On (8:18)
03. Hearts (8:40)
04. I've Seen All Good People (8:53)
05. Tony Kaye & Trevor Rabin solo - Solly's Beard (9:56)
Disc 2
01. It Can Happen (10:06)
02. Amazing Grace ~ Whitefish (10:08)
03. City Of Love ~ Starship Trooper (11:38)
04. Starship Trooper (16:28)
Yes Line Up:
Jon Anderson: Vocals, Guitar
Alan White: Drums
Trevor Rabin: Guitars, Vocals
Tony Kaye: Keyboards
Chris Squire: Bass