Venue: Cidade do Rock, Palco Mundo - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lineage: TV Broadcast LexusF36 (pendrive) > Portable Any Video Converter Pro V.3.2.7 > DVD Shrink > Nero Vision > DVD
Captured and authored by eniorocks

Please DO NOT Re-upload remotely this concert !
It gaves me a lot of work capturing, authoring and sharing.
Setlist:01. MX-Hurts Like Heaven
02. Yellow
03. In My Place
04. Major Minus
05. Paradise
06. Lost! / Mas Que Nada (snippet)
07. Violet Hill
08. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face
09. The Scientist
10. Us Against The World (acoustic)
11. Politik
12. Viva La Vida
13. Charlie Brown
14. Life Is For Living
15, Intermission
16. Clocks / Rehab (snippet)]
17. Fix You
18. Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall