Rush - 2011-05-19 - Manchester, UK (FLAC)
Venue: MEN Arena (Ob)
Audience Recording
Taper: Ob
Lineage: Recorded on a Tascam Dr 08 with internal mics at 24/44.
Tracked and Flac'd in Reaper. Flac 8/16 bit. No EQ. No Compression. Limiter to capture the explosions.
Taper comments:
"Apologies for the chat during Tom Sawyer, but the stewards demanded that my 9 year old couldnt stand on his seat to see over the heads of others. Arses. It's only a few seconds". Ob
Set 1
01. Intro Film "Rash: The Real History Of Rush - Episode No. 2: Don't Be - Rash"
02. The Spirit Of Radio
03. Time Stand Still
04. Presto
05. Stick It Out
06. Workin' Them Angels
07. Leave That Thing Alone
08. Faithless
09. BU2B
10. Free Will
11. Marathon
12. Subdivisions
Set 2
13. Intro Film "Rash: The Real History Of Rush - Episode No. 17: ...And Rock And Roll Is My Name"
14. Tom Sawyer
15. Red Barchetta
16. YYZ
17. Limelight
18. Camera Eye
19. Witch Hunt
20. Vital Signs
21. Caravan
22. Drum Solo
23. Closer To The Heart
24. 2112 Overture > The Temples Of Syrinx
25. Far Cry
26. La Villa Strangiato
27. Working Man
28. Outro Video "I Love You Man"