Kasabian - 2011-09-03 - I-Day Festival (FLAC - Broadcast)
Venue: Arena Parco Nord, Bologna, Italy
Lineage FM > Hard Disc > web
ITT HiFi4060 Tuner > Audacity 1.3.13 Beta via C-Media CMI8738/C3DX soundcard > 44100hz/16bit flac's (level 8)
Thanks to survivor69 for sharing this.
Live and direct FM radio broadcast by "Radio2 Live", Radio2 RAI [second channel of italian national radio] on saturday 3 September 2011, 20:15 hours [CET]
Taper Notes:
"There was a power failure at the Mobile Broadcast Unit (at the venue) in the middle of track 11 (Empire) causing a two minutes break during transmission: the song stops abruptly, followed by 15 seconds of complete silence that were in turn followed by two minutes of radio jingles, then having the song resuming by surprise. To preserve broadcast integrity I included those "silence" and radio jingles as track 11b, thus the song "Empire" is actually divided into parts a-b-c : it's up to you to decide if downloading/burning track 11b as well.... (and then there is another short, 2 seconds, broadcast gap at the beginning of track 12). Warning: in italian radio customes the DJ speaks a lot in-between songs. And I mean a lot. His/Her purpose is to introduce songs with bits of bio and translate what the artists say, or to describe to radio listeners what's happening on stage.It may gets very annoying, and trust me it does, thus we might consider this recording Only for completists. But the songs, the actual music, are (usually) not spoken over in the middle of them. It has to be noted that italian djs are on the whole adviced to talk that much by the same record companies to prevent bootlegging."
Running Time 75'38" (or 73'11" without power failure break)
01. Intro 0.44
02. Club Foot
03. Where Did All The Love Go?
04. Days Are Forgotten
05. Shoot The Runner
06. Velociraptor
07. I.D.
08. Thick As Thieves
09. Take Aim
10. Underdog
11a. Empire [pt1] SEE ABOVE NOTE
11b. power failure and radio jingles SEE ABOVE NOTE 2.27
11c. Empire [pt2] SEE ABOVE NOTE
12. Fast Fuse
13. Misirlou
14. Vlad The Impaler
15. LSF
16. Encore Break and Radio Banters 1.37
17. Switchblade Smiles
18. Fire
19. Radio Outro 0.50