Radiohead - Unplugged - The Complete Acoustic Sessions
As soon as I realised that this played as 21 tracks I knew I was in for a treat.
As to the set list below, this is one of those 'must have' 'compilation' type bootlegs which in this instance draws together a whole range of acoustic material from the circa 1995/1996 Radiohead period.
As usual, the sound is of a high standard and this is an essential, very enjoyable and unique boot which no Radiohead collection should forgo.
1. Killer Cars
2. Wonderwall
3. Blow Out
4. Street Spirit
5. Lucky
6. High and Dry
7. Motion Picture Soundtrack
8. Fake Plastic Trees
9. Black Star
10. Street Spirit
11. Subterranean Homesick Alien
12. Thinking about You
13. Creep
14. Just
15. Lozenge of Love
16. Bulletproof
17. Killer Cars
18. Banana co.
19. Yes i am
20. Airbag
21. Fake Plastic Trees
1 - 4 Recorded at BBC Studios , Vancouver, Canada 22nd March 1995
5 - 8 Recorded at Rockyville, Maryland, USA, 1996
9 - 11 Recorded for the 'Johnny Walker Show', BBC Radio, 8th June 1995
12 T In The Park' 1996
13 KRCQ Studios, Los Angeles 1995
14 studio demo 1995
15 live at The Form, London, UK 24th March 1995
16 - 19 From 'On The Edge', Los Angeles, USA, 1994
20 - 21 Recorded in London, December 1995
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